The Parish of the Transfiguration is a welcoming community of faith in the
Roman Catholic tradition that serves the greater Manchester area.
Mission Statement
Pastoral Team
Parish Ministries
The Parish of the Transfiguration is a welcoming community of faith in the Roman Catholic tradition that serves the greater Manchester area.
Our mission is to promote spiritual growth as the
Body of Christ by proclaiming the Word
of God, celebrating the Sacraments and transforming our faith
into action and outreach.
As God further
revealed Himself in the Transfiguration, we ask
Him to help us make
His presence known to
all of God's children.
We commit ourselves
to be faithful followers
of Jesus Christ and witnesses to the Gospel.
Very Rev. Christopher Martel
Rev. Eric Ouellette
Richard Shannon
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Rev. Eric Ouellette
Business Office
Claire Janelle
John Leduc
Music Ministry
Susan Lawrence
Emergency Call
Anointing of the Sick
and Funeral Priests
Very Rev. Christopher Martel
622-4966 x 202
Rev. Eric Ouellette
622-4966 x 203
Altar Servers
Tom & Robin Maloney​
Finance Commitee
Eva Martel
Liturgy Committee
Carmelle Lamothe
Pastoral Council
Claire Janelle
Parish Outreach
& Activities
Food Pantry & Outreach
(volunteers on call)
Parish Nurse
Social Committee
Women's Club
Mari Deblois 627-2465
Denise Venne 623-6012
Men's Group
Tom Maloney

In February of 2002, the parishes of Saint Edmund of Canterbury and Saint John the Baptist merged into the newly named Parish of The Transfiguration. On June 10, 2007 St. Patrick Church also joined the parish community as a result of the clustering process on the West Side of Manchester. .
Worship services are held in the former St. John the Baptist church building constructed in 1964. Ongoing Christian formation for all ages takes place in the Parish Center on Kelley St. with ample space for all parish activities and the Parish Nurse Program affiliated with CMC hospital. A third building adjacent to the parish center, the rectory, is the home of the pastor and several priests in semi-retirement. This same building is where you will find the business and pastoral offices and the Mother Rivier Chapel.
Our logo signifies the merging of our parishes and the name of our faith community is inspired by the experience of the apostles Peter, James and John who were present at the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Like the apostles, whose understanding of the Good News of Jesus was a dynamic and challenging process, the union of our churches has served as an opportunity for continued spiritual growth and renewal. The shared histories, traditions, and talents of our parishioners are the gifts that we offer to each other and to the greater community of Manchester.